To the Great Roommate and Better Friend Gone Far Too Soon

Zack Zolud
2 min readApr 19, 2020


Hey Manny,

I never thought I’d write anything like this. I wasn’t in denial or anything but I was just really — really — hoping there was some form of miscommunication or for any reason it wasn’t what it seemed. Even still I can’t believe it. That just made it that much harder to write. We knew each other for six years but we lived together nonstop for a full year. It’s overwhelming to think of the amount of amazing memories, adventures, and stories you gave not only me but everyone you ever came in contact with. The late nights, awesome talks, my music, your artwork — everything. You never knew just how many people you’ve impacted so positively. That New Years we spent in Boston — you were by far the greatest part about it. My friends could not stop talking about you for weeks after — one of them knew you for only a few hours and still couldn’t stop talking about you. And of course I wasn’t surprised in the slightest, I knew that’s exactly the kind of effect you had on people, I knew that’s exactly the kind of person you were. I’m genuinely grateful that I ever even knew someone like you or that any of us ever even had someone like you in our lives. You were a little brother to me and Alex. It goes without saying that we all miss you and we all love you. I promise I’ll write something better for you soon enough. Oh, and keep an eye on Diego up there, okay? The little pup might need some company up there and you guys always got along really well.

Rest easy, Manny.



Zack Zolud

Lead Technical Writer and Author, Master's from UMass Lowell, 8-instrument musician, Spartan, coffee fanatic, dog lover, and avid supporter of the Oxford comma.