PSA: The Age of Propaganda

Zack Zolud
3 min readNov 2, 2020


PSA to all friends/readers: As we advance further into the election season and with the day approaching us fast, please be careful and look out for people/profiles generating blatant propaganda-based content. Although there are countless, I have experienced interacting first-hand with an individual who has been confirmed to be a non-stop propaganda producer. In turn, this person has since garnered a garrison of arguably brainwashed cult-like followers that live and die by his propaganda. Time and time again any given one of them has proven to be irrefutably bigoted, racist, homophobic, and otherwise hateful of anyone whose opinions do not align with their own. This is not about politics anymore, and I’m not so sure that it ever was with them. This is far beyond that. This is an onslaught of hate and this is new-age propaganda at its absolute finest, or absolute worst. Honestly, did society learn nothing about propaganda from that whole fascist-Nazi-Germany thing? For the past few years and heavily over the past few months, this has been a not-so-thin line with which he skips rope.

Look, I’m all for ribbing on any political figure, and anyone who knows me knows that I have poked fun at just about every main political figure in the past decade, regardless of political affiliation. Yes, I think it is fairly obvious who I most favor making fun of (and quite frankly, because it’s just that easy), but nothing I have posted is propaganda or otherwise blatantly promoting hate, fear, or violence, especially not in the way that this person has. Thanks to this guy, we have seen more uploads of Hunter Biden smoking crack than any sane man should have saved on his phone. We have seen instilled hatred, fear-mongering, and condescending bullying. Anyone whose opinion differs is immediately labeled as a “communist,” “Antifa-lover,” “elitist” (and I know, oh the irony), and a plethora of other names that I am not quite sure is actually as offensive as they believe. This is genuinely the tip of the iceberg and honestly it would be too overwhelming to even list off everything he and his followers have said and done. This is exactly the mentality of why trump will cheat and try to unironically steal the election.

It is incredibly disappointing that many years ago I used to work at the same company as this person (I won’t disclose which company), and even more disappointing that several former colleagues (whose names I also won’t disclose) additionally were caught in his and his followers’ sharp and inappropriate tirades. Especially in avoidance of any conceived libel whatsoever, I won’t publicly disclose the name of this individual. Former colleagues and I have discussed and we truly hope that he (and even his followers) can find a way to obtain the psychiatric help they need. But until then, this is nothing more than a glimpse of my and dozens of others’ first-hand accounts with propaganda and, in the age of “fake news” running rampant, a simple and respectful warning to please be extra cautious of what you see, hear, or otherwise perceive from any given “source.”

Thank you for your time, and I wish you nothing but the best.



Zack Zolud

Lead Technical Writer and Author, Master's from UMass Lowell, 8-instrument musician, Spartan, coffee fanatic, dog lover, and avid supporter of the Oxford comma.